miércoles , 23 octubre 2024

LCLAA Calls for Free and Democratic Unions in Cuba

RESOLUTIONS – 23rd. National Membership Convention
(Extract on Cuba)


WHEREAS: The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, LCLAA, is the sole representative of the Latino working class in the United States. We call on the board to take the protests in Cuba into consideration and to recognize free and democratic unions on the island.

There are tens of thousands of union members across our country that have fled human rights abuses in Latin America. A vote in support for this resolution gives us the opportunity to once more be on the right side of history.

WHEREAS: Workers on the island belong to one union, the Central Workers Union of Cuba (CTC). For the last 62 years, workers have not been allowed to voice their concerns, much less protest peacefully, picket, or strike. It is incumbent that we, the strongest labor movement in the Western Hemisphere, call for an end to this level of repression.

WHEREAS: That we must voice our support for those brave workers that are also organizing independently of the CTC, the independent trade union, La Asociación Sindical Independiente De Cuba, (ASIC).

WHEREAS: We recognize the International Labour Organization for processing cases regarding the lack of freedom of association in Cuba. We support the recommendations by its governing body pertaining to ASIC vs. the government of Cuba.

WHEREAS: For decades independent trade unionists were harassed, imprisoned, and tortured. The Labor movement in the US has largely stood quiet as our working brothers and sisters faced starvation and repression. We are calling on the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement to promote human rights in Latin America and to stand on the side of the working class as our movement calls us to do. Inaction on these issues give our political opponents the opportunity to spread misinformation, linking our labor movement to support countries like Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Haiti. We cannot let this happen again and again! Human rights is not a political issue, it is a humanitarian one.

WHEREAS: Thus, if our labor movement truly believes in solidarity across racial and national lines, we must work to voice our support for those engaged in a similar struggle.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement reiterates its support for the Cuban protests seeking an end to repression on the island. We support dissidents in the island and abroad that continue to speak out in hopes to gain a more democratic government.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement supports a dialogue at large where we recognize the independent unions currently organizing in Cuba, independent of the government.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement will continue to monitor human rights abuses throughout Latin America and speak up when necessary. We are immigrants who care about the state of our home region, as many of us still have family and friends throughout the region.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement supports this proposal on working and participating with the independent trade unionists on the island. We call on the AFL-CIO to collaborate with us and recognize the independent trade unionists in Cuba.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement forwards this resolution for adoption to the 2021 National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada and to take all necessary and appropriate union actions and thereafter to send this resolution to all

LCLAA Chapters, State Labor Federations, the AFL-CIO, and to other local unions and central labor bodies.

SUBMITTED BY: Manuel Hartman, President, South Florida LCLAA Chapter, CWA District 3 Campaign Lead